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For greatest success, be the tomato!

Writer: Dawn Klatzko Dawn Klatzko

A lesson in authenticity happened in the local grocery store, on the Amalfi coast of Italy where I am enjoying a reboot following the last 18 months of isolation. One of the beauties of shopping here is that the fresh produce is really fresh.

This means that not every vegetable you pick up is perfectly shaped or finished off, as we've all come to experience in the supermarket chains. So you need to take the time to dig around a bit. But one thing is for sure, the taste of each different fruit and vegetable is unique. Even when it comes to the humble tomato I've had to learn a few new lessons like which tomato suits which dish.

Take the big chunky, fairly pale, "salad tomato" that is perfectly matched to serving up with mozzarella and a touch of basil - yip a Caprese salad, because it is relatively bland and doesn't overwhelm the delicate taste of the mozzarella. And mozzarella is mozzarella, by the way - not cheese! The small round Rosa tomatoes however are much sweeter and enhance the strong flavour of meat dishes. I could go on for hours about this.

But this is not a cooking lesson.

I'm sharing this to encourage you to embrace your authenticity, in particular in today's world of work.

Don't try to mimic someone because you think they would be a better match with your clientele. If you mask your true colours, it will come across as stilted and frankly takes twice the amount of effort as when you do what you are really good at. So take the time to reflect on who and what you are best at and then find the right match to make the perfect combination. In three words: BE THE TOMATO!

If you need more motivation I will be sharing a free webinar next week that could help you build your personal brand.

A link to book your FREE SPOT can be found on the events page of this website or simply follow this link.

Buon appetito! #authentic #bethetomato#findyourspace #bemore #personalbranding#personalbrandingcoach #coachingskills #labellavita#Italy #amalficoast #praiano



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